
Showing posts from July, 2020

VR Museum - A Blessing in Disguise During Corona Pandemic

As we all know that COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of the world adversely. Due to its rapid spreading museums have also shut their gates, but just like a blessing in disguise virtual reality (VR) technology has made it possible for people to enjoy an interactive museum experience from the convenience of their homes. Many museums like The Princess Diana Museum have implemented the technology today. But how a VR Museum works? How VR can help museums and event organizers to bring their content to their audience in the times of this pandemic? Let us find out below - During normal circumstances, museums are a great option for vacation plans. Isn't it? But the circumstance today isn't normal and no one can even predict when it is going to end! The businesses, institutions and storefronts are bound to shut their doors due to the crisis. The safety measures and guidelines have made the every place that involve gathering of large groups of people inactive and closed. For

Seven Powerful British Women Who Made their Mark on the World

"There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise." When a woman decides to achieve something with determination no one can stop her. And all these have been proved time and again by women around the world. Below is the list of some of the most influential British women  who have changed the course of history and made their mark on the world. Jane Austen An author and one of the first feminists of the modern era, Jane Austen created history with her extraordinary literary work which is still lauded around the world. Among her six major novels, Pride and Prejudice that explored social standing, marriage and economic security of a woman stood out. Florence Nightingale A pioneer of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale became a prominent name when she led a team of nurses during the Crimean War. She hence became an icon of Victorian culture and gave a reputation to nursing worldwide. She established the first secular nursing school in the world at

Relive the Life of the People's Princess - Explore the Various Places

Have you ever dreamy of living life of a princess? A life always in public attention with appearances and events and luxurious jewels and majestic residences? Then you can explore it all at the Kensington Palace and Gardens. You will get opportunities to relive Lady Diana's life. Although Princess Diana valued privacy and tradition, but she always maintained her true self and is known for maintaining a bond with those around her gracefully. Kensington Palace and Gardens To know the People's Princess the best place that you can visit is her home for 15 years i.e. the Kensington Palace and Gardens as you can take delight in the wonderful memories the princess had there. You can find the glimpses of the real Princess Diana in well-documented way. To realize how the princess lived you can visit at one of the opulent Kensington homes like Victoria and embrace the life of a royal in a luxurious way. Diana: Her Fashion Story  Then you can take delight in the fabu