
Showing posts from July, 2019

Little Dresses, A Princess Diana Collection

To say there has been a lot going on in the world of The Princess and the Platypus Foundation would be an understatement! We plan to catch you up with all of the exciting details in forthcoming posts, until then we wanted to show you a delightful “sneak peek” of our miniature Diana dress collection, truly incredible! It’s a one-of-a-kind collection of all 79 Christie’s Dresses … in miniature. These dresses will be part of our Princess Diana 3D Virtual Museum, where you can take an up close and personal look at them, all with their own unique design features. These “Little Dresses” are perfect copies of the original dresses auctioned by Christie’s in June 1997 — just two months before Princess Diana’s death. They’re all of uniform size and fit the 15 1/2″ Franklin Mint vinyl Princess Diana doll. The dresses were collected over a ten year period from 1997 – 2007. Some of the dresses were wonderfully made by various doll companies — notably, the Franklin Mint and